NCFR Certification of the APUS Bachelor of Arts in Child and Family Development Program

As part of our ongoing efforts to have certain degree programs recognized for their conformity to national standards and for their quality, our Bachelor of Arts in Child and Family Development was recently certified by the National Council on Family Relations.  I asked Dr. Carol Passman, Program Director, to provide some background information on that certification.  Her summary is printed below.

In June 2008, the American Public University System received recognition from the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) for the University’s Bachelor of Arts in Child and Family Development program.  APUS’s is the first fully online program certified by the NCFR.  This professional organization confers certification on institutions granting degrees that include coursework meeting high standards and rigorous criteria needed for their graduates to receive NCFR pre-approval for Family Life Educator certification.  Pre-approval allows graduates an abbreviated application for full Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) status.

In order to receive NCFR recognition as an academic program qualified to prepare graduates to apply for the Certified Family Life Educator credential, the curriculum of the APUS BA in Child and Family Development degree underwent comprehensive and rigorous review by an external body of academic discipline and professional practice experts, requiring the demonstration of competencies in ten NCFR recognized Family Life Content Areas critical to the education and enrichment of healthy families and intervention with those at risk.  Key APUS content expert faculty members, among them a CFLE, worked extensively with the Program Director during the program’s 2007 triennial review in demonstrating highest standard learning outcomes, resulting in the achievement of NCFR full approval across all 10 content areas, affording positive program and graduate recognition among peer institutions and practicing professionals.

CFLEs work in social service agencies; health and welfare programs; community education settings; parent, child and senior citizen educational services; colleges and universities; and military family support programs.  A minimum of a bachelor’s degree is required for the certification; many have advanced degrees.  They often engage in research and scholarship and are typically strongly public service oriented and committed to mentoring emerging professionals.  APUS’s NCFR-approved curriculum enables graduates pursing family life education and related careers to be highly effective in intervening with individuals and families on a national and international scale.  At a time when many American citizens and people around the world are experiencing the unique challenges and anxieties associated with family members deployed in or returning home from dangerous combat environments, APUS graduates of the Child and Family Development program are well-qualified to play a key role in strengthening individuals and families.

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