An Apology to the Coast Guard

For a number of years, we have printed a calendar for our students serving in the armed forces.  In previous years, the theme for the pictures was “Our Athletes Don’t Play Games” with pictures of service members provided by the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security.  This year, we altered the theme to “A University of Heroes.”  Somehow in the changing of the theme and printing format, our marketing department left out the Coast Guard.  This was an inadvertent, but unfortunate error and we are reprinting the calendar.  The Coast Guard is the only branch of the Armed Services that resides outside of the Pentagon although it reports to the U.S. Navy in times of war or at the direction of the President.  There are approximately 40,000 men and women who serve on active duty with the Coast Guard.   For a short history of the Coast Guard, please see my birthday greeting article.

Meanwhile, students, alumni, and friends who are members of the Coast Guard, please accept my apologies.  Please also accept my sincere thanks for the many efforts that you engage in daily to keep our nation’s ports and waterways safe for all.

Subjects of Interest

Artificial Intelligence/AI


Higher Education

Independent Schools



Student Persistence
